Our team would like to offer our condolences to the people and families impacted by recent events in Las Vegas. We are sending thoughts and prayers of strength for the victims and their families during this time. We also wish to acknowledge the first responders and the emergency services for their selflessness and heroism in carrying out their duties during this event. We will be sending a donation link in the coming days to show our support for the victims’ families and the great city of Las Vegas.
The Holidays have always been a time for family and loved ones to come together. And, in that spirit, we look forward to our annual Holiday Dance Classic. We have been in contact with the Luxor Hotel and they have assured us that all the necessary security measures are in place and that their primary goal is the comfort and safety of our participants and attendees.
Now, more than ever, we need to do what dancing does so well… come together to enjoy our shared love of dance. And, in doing so, share our strength of spirit and our deepest gratitude for the lives we continue to live.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you in December.
Kind regards,
Wendy Johnson, Sam Sodano and Mary Murphy